Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dear Diary.. Wat a day its been...

Dear Blog,
I originally established you for many reasons.. some being of which..

to write about life in a philosophical manner..
explore my creativity

a dear friend mentioned that im crazy enough
to create an interestingly enough blog..
question life.. push my intellect... get some semi decent book writing material :)

its all a bit daunting my dear blog.. i'm depressed and confused and scared.. discovering myself through you is a daunting task.. especially when one is reluctant to face some of the truths she has been ignoring..

i just wanna be amazing and good and wise.. live a full life!! dont want anyone to hold me back and i dont want him to be disapointed in me.. becoz lets be honest here im kinda disapointed in myself for being the kind of woman i never wanted to be.. weak.. dependant.. confused.. while im fronting that really im strong and confindent and wise!!

ok blog im a bit melancholic now.. so i shall try to achieve more of my goals through you.. but give me time.. i may take things slow you see.. and you'll jus have to settle for the aesthetic i'll be aiming to provide until the real substance seeps thru.. becoz if im worth it, you'll stick around to find out wont you?

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